Influence of plastic deformation on the corrosion behavior of CrCoFeMnNi high entropy alloy

作者:精密塑性成形研究室 时间:2021-09-10 点击数:

本团队博士生王颖等在Journal of Alloys and Compounds发表研究论文。

Abstract: In this research, the influence of plastic deformation on the corrosion behaviors of CrCoFeMnNi high entropy alloy were comprehensively investigated. As the degree of plastic deformation increases, both the acceptor density of the passive film and the thickness of the space charge layer increase, while the resistance of the passive film gradually weakens. The Fe and Cr oxides on the passive films decrease with the increasing plastic deformation degree, resulting in the weaker resistance of the passive film. Numerous dislocations formed after plastic deformation promote the increase of electrochemical dynamics and galvanic corrosion rate. Therefore, severe plastic deformation lowers the corrosion resistance of the alloy.

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