Gradient network architecture design induced strain delocalization and delayed failure in metallic glass matrix composites

作者: 时间:2023-08-24 点击数:

本团队博士后张嘉城等在Scripta Materialia发表研究论文。

摘要:Making composites with crystalline inclusions can improve plasticity in brittle metallic glasses. In this study, we show a new metallic glass matrix composite designed with a gradient network architecture made of amorphous matrix regions and gradient crystalline network regions. Using molecular dynamics simulations, we validated theoretically the hypothesized concept of this new composite. Our results show that the unique microstructure leads to significant strain delocalization which can delay the generation of catastrophic shear bands. This is resulted from the new mechanism by both forming diffuse embryonic shear bands in the thin crystalline network interface and hindering or guiding their formation and movement in thick crystalline network regions with the presence of internal stresses generated from the gradient. This work demonstrates the synergistic effects induced by the heterogeneous gradient network design in the mechanical properties of metallic glass matrix composites and may open up exciting new possibilities.

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