本团队2020级博士生马云飞等在Journal of Alloys and Compounds发表研究论文。
摘要:This study examines tungsten-particle (Wp) reinforced Zr-based bulk metallic glass composites (Wp/BMGCs) with 30% and 50% volume fractions, fabricated via Two-Step Spark Plasma Sintering (TSS) and Normal Spark Plasma Sintering (NS). The influence of the reinforcing phase particle size on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the material was systematically analyzed. The results reveal that reducing the Wp particle size from 200 μm to 30 μm profoundly influences the composite's interfacial and distribution effects, consequently altering its microstructure and mechanical properties. At higher Wp volume fractions, smaller particles tend to agglomerate, but increasing Wp particle size improves the reinforcement phase distribution. The densification of Wp/BMGCs is mainly influenced by interfacial effects, with smaller Wp particle sizes enhancing densification. TSS enhances interfacial bonding, further improving densification. Mechanical properties are primarily governed by interfacial effects in 30% Wp/BMGCs and 50% Wp/BMGCs prepared by NS, with smaller Wp particle sizes leading to enhanced properties. However, for 50% Wp/BMGCs prepared by TSS, distribution effects dominate at smaller sizes, with TSS process exacerbates agglomeration, deteriorating mechanical performance. Micromechanical simulations show that Wp restricts shear band expansion and promotes cross proliferation, enhancing the material's overall mechanical performance